Best of Short And Funny Jokes — Dad Jokes And Dirty Jokes

Shubham Veer
7 min readJul 29, 2021


Whether it is to entertain the squad, lighten up the gang’s mood, or maybe impress that one person, jokes are always helpful. And even though there aren’t any technicalities involved in forming funny jokes, you still need a humorous mind to build one. Especially short jokes. Man, it’s so difficult to form something funny by using just a few words. Many people attempt, but could only achieve the humor found in dad jokes. And those, by the way, aren’t always bad.

If you ever attempted to form hilarious jokes but have failed miserably, fret not. This list has all the best jokes that you need to tickle anyone’s funny bones. Use these funny jokes as an icebreaker, or maybe tell them to your friends while having a good time. Even if they don’t laugh at the humor, they will appreciate the pun. Ready for some funny clean jokes (ahem, with a hint of some dirty jokes)? Great! Let’s go.

What did one Traffic Light say to the other? Look away, I am changing

That could have been the joke of the day!

Rearrange the letters of the word MAILMEN, and they will get upset

Uh, that’s a clean joke that we hope you find hilarious.

No matter which store I go to, the cashier is always checking me out

Damn, did you get that? Don’t worry it took me a while, too.

I saw an idiot in the gym. He was keeping his water bottle on the Pringles holder on the treadmill.

Well well well, what do we have here now, aye?

How do you throw a space party? You planet!

Dad jokes, probably. And maybe that’s why aliens don’t visit us.

Tried suing the airport for misplacing my luggage. I lost the case

That’s definitely a part of some of the best and funny clean jokes.

What’s the best thing about Switzerland? Well, not sure, but the flag is a big plus.

Dad jokes return, but it isn’t that bad now, is it?

What is a parade of rabbits hopping backward called? A receding hare-line.

Joke of the day? Maybe. Interesting? Hell yes.

Why did the bike fall over? Because it was two tired.

Ah, finally some corny jokes coming your way.

What is an alligator detective called? An investi-gator.

Even though it is part of clean jokes, we are still sorry for this.

Some people think prison is one word, but for robbers, it’s a whole sentence

There are short jokes that you immediately understand. Then there are these hilarious dad jokes which may take you a while to understand.

Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine.

Get it? Eight ⇆ Ate. No? Sure, take your time.

What did the buffalo say when his son left for work? Bison.

I chuckle at corny jokes like these, they are so funny.

Why ghosts are such bad liars? Because you can easily see through them.

Uh, now that doesn’t qualify for kids jokes. At all.

Teacher: Does anyone know what Sodium Hypobromite is?

Students: “NaBro”!

This one is to make students chuckle. Hope your chemistry is strong.

Why does the sun doesn’t go to college? Because it has a million degrees.

Dad jokes, I tell you, come in all shapes and sizes. This one though is not that bad.

What do cows like to read? Cattle-log.

These corny jokes will soon make cracking a joke a crime. Hey, but that made you smile, didn’t it?

What’s a cheese that doesn’t belong to you? Nacho Cheese.

To help those of y’all who’ll scratch head reading this, it’s not-yo cheese! Your welcome.

What did the math book say to the psychologist? Argh, I have so many problems!

See see, we do have short jokes for kids, too.

Ready for some dirty jokes coming your way? Here you go

What did the toaster say to the bread? “I want you inside me”

Kids, stay away.

What do a penis and a Rubik’s Cube have in common? The more you play with it, the harder it gets.

You laughed at this, didn’t you?

What type of bees produces milk? Boo-bees!

Um, it is not what you expected but it is what you wanted. Right? Don’t smirk now. Too late.

What is an expert fisherman called? A Master Baiter.

I really want to meet those who make these dirty jokes. They are hilarious.

How is sex just like air? It is not a big deal unless you are not getting any.

This is for the experienced public. Any thoughts guys?

What is 79? 69 with 10 people watching.

Mm, someone’s being adventurous.

What did the elephant say to the naked man? “How do you breathe with that thing?”

Lol, this one was really smart. It deserves the best short joke of the day award.

What goes in hard and dry, but comes out wet and soft? Bubblegum.

Let us know in the comments what did you think. Maybe we can, ahem, agree on this.

Why is Santa’s sack so big? Because he only comes once a year.

To quote Loki, c’mon, what did you expect?

I just had sex on an elevator. It was great on so many levels.

To the person who wrote this. Ah, I see you are a man of wisdom. And sarcasm, too.

I farted at work and my co-worker started opening the window. Must have been a really bad fart, because we work on a submarine.

This is not a part of dirty jokes but belongs to the list of dad jokes that a man says to make his kids chuckle. Care to try?

Why did the cop sit on the toilet seat? He wanted to do his duty.

And his duty was his priority. For the time being at least.

What’s a country where everyone is always pissed? Urination.

Gross, but I like the humor in these short jokes.

Did you hear about the film Constipated? Well, it never came out.

When you mix smartness and humor, you get something that looks like this joke.

Enjoyed this list of short and funny jokes that we curated especially for you? Drop a comment and let us know which one you liked the most. Also, do not forget to check our other recently added posts.

Originally published at on July 29, 2021.



Shubham Veer

I like writing my heart out. Also, a big Marvel fan who is still into comics.